The new chair fits great on Herrad and holds her in a nice strong upright position. The professionals were great and it all went without too much stress for Herrad. We shall soon be able to take advantage of it and get out the house.
Happy day.
Birthday's and Spirited Away
8 months ago
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. I'm enjoying your triumph of perseverance with you. Hope you don't mind. Given Herrad's limited range (at first), do you have any places close by that you've been anxious to show her?
Wait till Herrad sees and feels what's waiting for her. And you, together. I'm happily surprised all went well with the pros, they're not always as helpful unbelievably. My kisses to Herrad xoxoxo
Fantastic. Have a great weekend.
Hi Richie,
You make every day good for me.
Praying for you both. I think the idea of your blog is great. Sometimes you just have to let it out. I'm sure those who love you understand.
Found myself thinking about the two of you again today. My wishes are still with you both, and I hope that what you are going through is still okay - I hope the good days are still in there.
Richie, You have been a stranger around here. I can't wait until you and Herrad can get out and go for a stroll around the neighborhood and go out for coffee and something sweet. My guess is that you can't wait either! Be Well, Webster
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