Birthday's and Spirited Away
7 months ago
This about enjoying life to the full with my lovely partner- I scream my head off here so I can pretend to be coping when I have to. MS has robbed my darling of the use of much of her body but has increased our determination to share our love to the full and get as much fun out this world as we can glean. Sometimes it all gets to much so I need to scream about it.
Hi Richie,
That is lovely, a beautiful sight.
Thanks for posting.
Said the BR skeleton, "Take away my pain."
Said the doctor skeleton, "Take this, come again."
Hiya Richie
Found your blog on MS Bloggers link. Great to see others with partners who also have MS writing about what goes on in their heads. I've got a blog myself about life with my wonderful partner who has been diagnosed. Hope your both doing really well at the moment and keep the posts coming. From Hayley Woodgate in the UK :-)
Hi Richie,
long-time listener, first time caller!
I got such a kick out of this - in 1971 I was a vegetarian kid living in a commune, occasionally being rounded up while protesting the war, and trying to learn how to become either a Communist or Socialist,
so this took my WAY back. I was eight yrs old, so goodbye "normal childhood." Maybe that helped dealing w/ MS?
-Lorraine K
wait >>> I just remembered
that I saw him naked in his bathtub soon after I moved to NYC!
A silly boy had taken me there to convince me of his "legitimate reasons" for filming me naked! Ha HA, fat chance, but I saw AG nekkid!
Lorraine Kennedy
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