A real American genius!
Birthday's and Spirited Away
8 months ago
This about enjoying life to the full with my lovely partner- I scream my head off here so I can pretend to be coping when I have to. MS has robbed my darling of the use of much of her body but has increased our determination to share our love to the full and get as much fun out this world as we can glean. Sometimes it all gets to much so I need to scream about it.
Practically the entire city of Austin is in mourning. I expect there will be some great tribute shows this weekend.
All those Les Paul & Mary Ford albums. I can at least savor what he left us, incredible magical sounds. And my brother's Les Paul is enshrined forever, as well it should. Have a wondrous journey, Les.
Funny thing is I would say his style is absolutely not to my taste but he put such joy into his playing he took me along- I am not a great lover of jazz but try to have an open mind when trying new things- Les Paul and Mary Ford Mocking Bird Hill was a friends practice record before gigs. He played guitar along with Les till Les lost him and that got his fingers loose and put him in the right mood to play traditional Scottish music on the fiddle. Musicians are a weird breed!
I fell in love with Les Paul when I read an interview with him in the English music press. He sure loved the guitar and did more than most to promote it. As a banjo man I guess I should resent him 'cos it was amplified guitar that killed the banjo on stage- wiring up the banjo has only just been done- but never mind we shall revenge ourselves on the six string mafia one day.
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