Three days to our aniversary- I dont believe in marriage: I require neither church or state to sanction what I feel.
Getting hitched made a staement of commitment that mattered more to Herrad but I got the point .
Not every one thought I was such a good choice. Some people thought I was a disaster walking. What they never knew was that no one could love Herrad more.
Loving her is so easy for me and I am so flattered that she chose me.
Life has played cruel little jokes on us but I still reckon I am doing well: I have so much love in my life!
Only what the hell to get for a present?
Birthday's and Spirited Away
8 months ago
Many good wishes to you both!!
I won't be online for awhile but I'll catch up with you both after Christmas.
Happy Holidays to both of you.
Love, Anne
Happy Anniversary and Happy Holidays!!!
Love, Lisa
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