Birthday's and Spirited Away
8 months ago
This about enjoying life to the full with my lovely partner- I scream my head off here so I can pretend to be coping when I have to. MS has robbed my darling of the use of much of her body but has increased our determination to share our love to the full and get as much fun out this world as we can glean. Sometimes it all gets to much so I need to scream about it.
Ah, Morrissey. My teenage angst personified. I wanted to put him and Howard Jones in a room and let them duke it out.
As for today, you only need to wait until midnight to resume celebrating your unbirthday again.
Oh what the hell. I wish you a birthday full of screams of joy!
Used to love him, his wailing voice and way of singing, but now when I hear it again I think it is dull and boring....
uhm, what changed?
Some how I still love this- mostly because I find it funny- I had a miserable little friend from Manchester and it sounds very much like him when he was feeling slighted (which was most of the time).
Morrisey has always been funny to me. I remember having what I call a 'Nick Cave moment' which refers to the moment I suddenly started to laugh in the middle of a Bad Seeds record. I went from taking it seriously and hating it to suddenly seeing the joke.
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