Sunday, April 12, 2009

The great outdoors

A friend just sent us some pictures of the snow melting and spring getting into the buds. Just trees and a wild river and some undulating hills. I howled like a baby.
I miss getting out into the hills more than sex. I could get on my bike when I lived in Glasgow and get to Ben Lomond in an hour and a half. I often did it at five in the morning and be back for the afternoon. In recalling I am still amazed that at the time I was doing this I had a huge beer gut- I must have drunk one hell of a lot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Richie..Chin up..we cannot stand in the same river twice...enjoy the here and now with Herrad as much as u can..u r the best in my books for each you both loads for being a part of my world...who I am....I am as I am.. Love and hugs xxxx